Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dindrenzi Federation Light Infantry Upgrade - Unboxing

Hello all,
I got some time to put together some pictures of the Dindrenzi Infantry Upgrade box. Definitely a little more flashing to cut off since all of the infantry are made from metal. The model poses are good and they are going to look great when painted all up.

The standard goodness all packed into the box from Spartan.
There are two different bases fore the gun teams. There is not much of a difference though. I think the only difference is the solder hiding behind the jersey barrier.

The Nyx commander. The picture shows the front side of the guy on the left and backside on the right.

Another picture of the Nyx commanders. There are two different bases for them.
There are two different poses for the sweeper guys. I was surprised that the Dindrenzi sweepers use missile launchers or at least what looks like a missile launcher. Whatever this weapon is I imagine it would be pretty nasty in CQB. I 'm just glad there is no friendly fire.
Front and back picture of the basic Nyx rifleman.
The Sweeper team bases come in three different variants.
The gun team is really cool looking. The coil repeater is pretty awesome. This will be fun to get painted up!
Thanks for reading. I will try to get the Aerial Interceptor helix unboxing up soon.

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