I have made some really good progress on my Sorylian Planetfall forces. So far I have completed the Core Helix, a Command Helix and half of an Assault Helix. While I don't really need any more miniatures for this army, the new found flexibility of 2.0 makes it harder to resist having more options. I am considering a Heavy Armor Helix and an Aerial Interceptor Helix. The extra heavy walker certainly wont be a bad thing to have for my army, but really I would like to have the long range, pinpoint Sor'Ka's from the Heavy armor helix. I debated on the Aerial Helix but the Jor'Mak'Ta is an awesome looking gunship that I find hard to resist. The pod racers are steadily growing on me and I think with the right paint scheme could look really cool on the table.
Core Helix, Command Helix and the mediums from the Assault Helix. |
Second Picture of the Sorylian Outer Sphere 1237th Expeditionary Force. |
These guys have been a blast to paint so far. I have really liked how the orange and greys contrast with each other. The blue light sources are not showing up in my photos unfortunately but also add a lot to the models in my opinion. For this scheme I basecoated everything in black. Painted a layer of Vallejo Grey-Black over that. Certain armor plates I drybrushed Vallejo Neutral Grey over to create some depth. I then used Dark Vermillion for the accent armor plates, hatches and little standout spots. I then went back and found little raised plates, latches and similar spots and painted sky grey to provide further definition and contrast. The blue light sources are multiple layers of blue starting with Dark Prussian Blue drybrushed with electric blue. I then washed the area with fluorescent blue and drybrushed with light sky blue. Finally I drybrushed a little white in the center of the source.
The infantry were Dark Vermillion drybrushed over black and washed with Secret Weapon Ruby wash. I then colored the shoulder pads a contrasting color, grey, blue or green. Their weapons were black drybrushed with sky grey and washed with Secret Weapon Armor Wash. Finally their visor/eye spot was lightly colored Yellow-Green.
Other than the painting I played a game of Warmachine against my brother-in-law. My Cygnar Partisans versus his Convergence. It was a hard game which I did lose. We realized shortly before we ended that the app had miscalculated the value of his army and my 17 point army was playing a 28 point army. I had taken out 1 of his two heavy warjacks all of his solos and half of the health of his warcaster before I lost so I felt pretty good about that considering the point differential. Overall it was still a blast, I am looking forward to playing a few more rounds and getting the game figured out. Other than that I am hoping to get a few games with the Planetfall 2.0 rules and feel out the new unit stats. From what I have read and played I really like the new Sorylian statistics.
Hope everyone had a great weekend, thanks for reading!