Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Veydreth Allied Recon Helix - Painted

This helix was a blast to paint. Though definitely out of my comfort zone for colors the result was better than I had hoped. I am really excited to pick up and paint the core helix once it is released this winter.

Veydreth Recon Helix including Yok-Ta medium skiffs, Nuk-Su light skiffs and artillery designator tokens.
Nuk-Su Light Recon Skiffs - My wife elected to go for a dark purple base color with bright blue lighting effects. The final effect reminds me a little bit of Tron.
Different angles of the Nuk-Su light skiffs.
Yok-Ta medium skiff. Added a little bit of pink at my wife's request. I think that it was a good choice and looked a little more tribal.
Rear and side view of the Yok-Ta medium skiff. 
These were a fun little painting project for me and my wife was really happy with the results. We've only broken them out to play once this summer but daughter has several times and loved the color scheme too.

Next I will try to get some pictures of my painted command helix. I also have a battle report from my most recent game against my brother-in-law. Relthoza vs. Terrans, unfortunately my dice were very much not on my side and my poor Relthoza suffered greatly because of it.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Like your 'glow' effect. Did you airbrush these guys?

    1. Thank you for the complement, I did not use an airbrush for the glowing areas. I achieved the effect by dry brushing successively lighter shades of blue and a white.
